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Spider mites amd thrips

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Re: Spider mites amd thrips

Post by Nastyhabitz_ »

Have you ever used one of those insect foggers? Im thinking of blitzing the whole room i know they can hide in ducting and nooks and crannys :(
GMO wrote:
Nastyhabitz_ wrote:Do you use the ph down as a cleaner? Is that what you mean mate?
GMO wrote:Remember to add a drop of soap to ya mix. Helps it stick rather than bead and run off

Hobbit will be along shortly but

Ph down 2ml per litre. Spray everything

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Nah, it is to mess up the mites

They can be seriously hardcore so you wanna hit them as hard as you can.

I did 5ec, 65% iso and ph down in a 3 day cycle for 6 days and haven't seen one since

Don't get me wrong, it slowed my young plants and burns some young leaves but you don't want the coming back immune to what ya got

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Re: Spider mites amd thrips

Post by Wizard »

Ya can toss ladybugs in also for future prevention as they eat mites aphids and othe insects , we get them at garden Centers here

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Re: Spider mites amd thrips

Post by GMO »

I haven't sorry. Check out hobbit posts in that thread I linked. It has most the answer you'll need dude

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Re: Spider mites amd thrips

Post by Wizard »

found this link and thought id share ,, nice natural way to help with mites is ladybirds ,, have used them in greenhouse in past a precaution measure
https://www.greengardener.co.uk/shop/la ... wings.html

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Re: trips de amd araña roja

Post by osk4r85 »

Good, what I usually use against the mites. Red spider More specifically is potassium soap with very very cold water. That if the plague is not very deep inside the plant. Also I recommend if you are growing indoors, you keep the humidity as high as possible until the 6 week of flowering. To the red spider, likes the high temperature and low humidity, if it doesn't have some of these factors, it disappears

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Re: Spider mites amd thrips

Post by Denots »

If the plants are in flower I use mighty wash, also use it as a preventive. If in veg then you can't beat pyrethrum 5EC, does a top job imo.
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Re: Spider mites amd thrips

Post by Smokey »

Denots wrote:
Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:12 am
If the plants are in flower I use mighty wash, also use it as a preventive. If in veg then you can't beat pyrethrum 5EC, does a top job imo.
Also neem oil is very very good at controlling the area wash down with some eco detergent should keep the pests at bay pal

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Re: Spider mites amd thrips

Post by Captain Beefheart »

get bug clear from b + q it will kill anything + its for edibles.............. :oik!:

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Re: Spider mites amd thrips

Post by kbag »

The Bug clear fruit & Veg does work it is given my mites a smashing atm i am using the green packaged one what contains rapseed oil.

*RTU Ready to use sprays

1. Natural (organic) insecticides
These products are derived from plants or other natural substances. They are contact in action and
require thorough application, especially to the undersides of leaves. They control a broad range of small
invertebrates, including some beneficials if they are present at the time of treatment. The short
persistence of these compounds may mean that frequent applications are required. They are safe to use
on most plants, including listed fruits and vegetables which can be treated close to harvest (see label
recommendations). Relatively harmless to birds and mammals but harmful to fish and amphibians.

a) Natural pyrethrum/pyrethrins
Derived from the flowers of Tanacetum cinerariifolium. Broad spectrum insecticide, that can control a
wide range of insects including whitefly, small caterpillars, aphids, thrips, leafhoppers, capsids, ants and
some beetle pests.

Sprays Bug Clear Gun for Fruit & Veg RTU
Defenders Bug Killer RTU
Ecofective Bug Killer RTU, also contains fatty acids
Vitax House Plant Pest Killer RTU
Pyrol Bug & Larvae Killer RTU and concentrate
Pyrol Bug & Larvae Killer for Roses RTU
Dusts & Py Insect Killer Powder

b) Fatty acids (insecticidal soaps)
For use against aphids, whitefly, thrips, mealybugs, scale insects, leafhoppers and red spider mite.

Sprays Solabiol Bug Free RTU
Doff Greenfly and blackfly bug Killer RTU
Doff Universal Bug Killer RTU

c) Plant oils and extracts
Refined plant oils, such as those derived from rape seed and sunflower, which block the breathing pores
(spiracles) of small insects and mites, including aphids, whitefly, thrips, mealybugs, scale insects and
red spider mites. Bees and ladybirds are less likely to be harmed. No harvest interval required but do not
use on fuchsia or begonia. Also available as winter wash for use against overwintering aphid eggs on
dormant deciduous fruit trees and bushes.

Sprays Growing Success Winter Tree Wash
Vitax Organic Pest & Disease Control Concentrate (also contains fish oils)
Origins Bug Control
BugClear Fruit and veg
Vitax Organic Pest & Disease Control RTU (also contains fish oils)

d) Garlic extract
Products based on garlic available as a fumigant for dispersing insect pests in glasshouses
Fumigant Pest-Stop Biofume Greenhouse Fumigator.

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Re: Spider mites amd thrips

Post by kbag »

Biological control i used was a predatory mite specifically for the use against red spider mite (or 2 spotted mite) as they are known. Unfortunately they did not work in my flower groom. Not sure why it could have bean previous sprays that affected them. I also used on my clones in a separate application and i have not seen hide nor tail of them since.

I got mine from here : https://www.defenders.co.uk

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