Gonna kick off another new thread here "The Big Bong Theory" !!
We wanna see as many of your bongs as possible and a brief description of why that is your chosen bong. Bongs come in many many shapes and sizes with lots of different varieties so Go on show us yours and I'll show you mine lol
Ok I'll kick things off This is my go to Bong and its probably the best bong in the world eh Cambo lol My Bong is a Basil Bush bong and it stands about a foot tall complete with removable glass bowl and an added extra rush hole to really give you that deep inside hit lol the length of the bong and shape make this badboy A real smooth criminal anyway enough of the talking lets rip one up
Here's our current rig its not the best but has a place in my heart as it was my first rig so although i am upgrading her very soon she will still stay in the family