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The Shit XL Bully Ban

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Re: The Shit XL Bully Ban

Post by 2-Scoops »

My thinking is a Jack Russel or a Boxer dog wouldn`t kill me if it attacked and id have a good chance of fighting back, but if one of those xl buillies attacked me theirs a good chance it would fuck me up good style. Yes for sure a lot of blame has to be on useless owners, but those xl bully dogs can flip and do flip even when they have been brought up right and when they do they are uncontrollable vicious machines. Whether the ban is right or wrong, those dogs fuck you up if they`re on one from what ive seen on vids. Lots of inbreeding with those dogs from what ive read here in UK and that doesn't help with a dogs temperament one bit. Mates and his family have got 2 as pets and they are soft as shit but im still always a bit weary when i go round.
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Re: The Shit XL Bully Ban

Post by GMO »

I'm not sure about the ban, but I also personally wouldnt own a pet I couldnt beat in a fight for similar reasons to what 2-scoops mentioned
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Re: The Shit XL Bully Ban

Post by Keeno »

The guidelines for the ban are as big a joke as the ban itself. If you have a large mastiff cross it's very likely going to fall into these guidelines.

Owners are to blame in these situations. The name of the breed didn't help, name something "XL Bully" and all the wannabe gangsters and hood rats want one.

Training is key, we rescued 1 cane corso, then shortly after his sister needed a home. I knew to take both my life would have to change heavily, i would have to train them heavily and it would take many hours a day. I'm not someone who wants dogs to do tricks, with previous dogs basic commands were always enough, but with 2 dogs this size I know I must train correctly. If not accidents will happen, and a dog of this size or similar like the xl bully, that accident can be horrific. If that accident happened it would not be the dogs fault, it would be mine. Blaming an entire breed, and based on the guidelines, many other breeds will be affected, its a joke.

Another huge issue with this whole situation is the punishments involved. If a wannabe hood rat stabs someone they are going to prison. If that same person has xl bully or another large breed and it attacks someone, they would likely get a slap on the wrist, the dog gets put to sleep. It's made a dog a much safer option as a weapon for these wankers. Punishments should be the same as using a weapon, it would discourage these idiots from owning these large dogs for that reason. I say all this owning 2 very large dogs, if they attacked and hurt someone I should be punished heavily, as I have failed in training them, and that punishment should be the same as if I used a weapon to inflict the same injuries.

Sounds a bit strong, but large dogs are a huge commitment. If people were punished heavily instead of bans and other bullshit, they would think much harder about getting a large powerful animal in the first place. Especially the idiots getting them for the wrong reasons.
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Re: The Shit XL Bully Ban

Post by GHO »

I had English bull terriers for years @Mrs Beefheart used to foster them for my friend's rescue and then end up keeping them for good. I'd always end up taking the most messed up ones as they're the hardest to re-home. Its shameful how little chavvy twats treat these dogs, encourage bad behaviour then dump it when it gets hard work.
Had some hairy moments when they've arrived and we've had to decide who is in charge. Generally I'll just sit on them at times like that and they get the message.
Dogs are not for idiots, big dogs even less so. I'd think that licensing all dog breeds is a good idea. mandatory chipping and insurance, ownership classes for new owners along with huge fines for dog attacks, jail for serious injury would be the right thing. It's the owners that are problematic, too many twats buying dogs with no idea how to handle the is a real issue atm
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Re: The Shit XL Bully Ban

Post by Marcus »

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Re: The Shit XL Bully Ban

Post by Marcus »

This ain;t a pretty picture either. Attacks this year by breed.


My useless fucken sheepdug is way down the league table. I might start reporting him when he bites me to get his numbers up.
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Re: The Shit XL Bully Ban

Post by Greenfingers »

That graph is a croc of shit, It's like blaming a car for crashing.
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Re: The Shit XL Bully Ban

Post by Labs Dexter »

2-Scoops wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 1:46 pm
My thinking is a Jack Russel or a Boxer dog wouldn`t kill me if it attacked and id have a good chance of fighting back, but if one of those xl buillies attacked me theirs a good chance it would fuck me up good style. Yes for sure a lot of blame has to be on useless owners, but those xl bully dogs can flip and do flip even when they have been brought up right and when they do they are uncontrollable vicious machines. Whether the ban is right or wrong, those dogs fuck you up if they`re on one from what ive seen on vids. Lots of inbreeding with those dogs from what ive read here in UK and that doesn't help with a dogs temperament one bit. Mates and his family have got 2 as pets and they are soft as shit but im still always a bit weary when i go round.
I'm more in fear of doberman because they have a bad rep for years these xl bullies are new and in a short time got the ban where as doberman has been known to flip and do damage, same with any type of mastiff I stay well clear...

Oh and chihuahuas they are nasty... Those breeds I mentioned are nasty from birth you can control them but they will flip with a flick of a finger.

And a jack Russel they are know grumpy/aggressive dogs as well as akitas and chihuahua

I have a chihuahua and down to 2 aitas one passed 1 month ago. I have 4 kids and they all rode akitad as horses and the chihuahua is my 3 year olds lap dog basically.. No one bit and neighbours kids who poke fingers in the fence have not been bit yet...

I'll basically get to the point dogs are all vicious animals when they want to be but it's owners fault.

Those basterd in the estate who do you blame on their behaviour? Parents or the kid?

We recently in Hull started taking the fight to parents if your son/daughter stole my car the father will get the beating so you teach your son/daughters not to steal..

Reality is we like to blame everything else but our self's for example breed of dog, power of a car and power of a bike that do damage to other people's life's...

But yeah (sorry) I get on one when I read the news on bans and this and that it gets me mad
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Thanks for looking in and God bless

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Re: The Shit XL Bully Ban

Post by Labs Dexter »

Mrs Beefheart wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:15 am
I’ve refrained from putting this thread up for a good while but it’s Tuesday I’ve sinned and took a drink … bad Polly on a school night lol
So what’s your thoughts on this ,yet again jumped on by the media and the government haven’t got a clue , not sure if anyone owns any bully type dogs but what’s your thinking if you own one , torn , upset , gonna listen or not listen , the list is pathetic unhinged and not clear , they already have ppl putting down their dogs for a £200 payment ffs and have got ppl in a state of panic over it and this exemption certificate crap of £92.50 where’s this money going to , not the exact figures cos I can’t find it now but roughly 68 ppl in the last 40 yrs have been killed by dogs , only 7 was xl bully type dogs , the rspca this week have called on government to be more clear on what they mean after taking 20,000 calls in a week off worried owners , they are ripping the normal family’s pets apart for the handful of brutal ppl that use them as weapons , it’s sad and upsetting, the stress ppl are going through with this is unreal , don’t get me wrong I feel so sorry for the victims of dog attacks by this breed but should everyone and every dog be punished because of a minority of pathetic owners that don’t train them right , just thinking that there’s a Jack russel in my street that’s bit 5 ppl and it’s still running riot there’s also a boxer in my street that’s bit 2 ppl , what’s happened to these dogs … absolutely nothing they are still there barking and snarling at anything that walks past , it’s sad state of affairs and yet again the government have no idea what they are on about 😡


5th line down and on the left is what I believe is an xl bully... Could be wrong light eyes, light tones and pink nose
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Re: The Shit XL Bully Ban

Post by kbag »

I love dogs all breeds, but as a responsible owner you be to prepared for if and when it could go tits up.Not just attacking people but other pets, animals etc. trouble is with large dogs your prob need a cattle prod or a 12 bore. This goes for all large breeds of dogs not just xl bullys. Saying that what a name to give a breed .
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