with a wick and some smelly neem tea we can keep the plants a tad happier

5ltr bucket of rainwater
A cup a neem pellets left to soak until it stinks (about 12 hrs)
Later on that day
I've found that you don't need lots and lots of coils to keep it moist enough.
I wasnt able to water my [plants for a few days so i added half a bucket of water which lasted about a week with the room at 30c

Thanks to @Mrs Beefheart for first showing me the wick system

it's nice to play about and see what works.
Also the neem will help fertilize your plants with an average NPK of 4-1-2 and for anyone that doesn't know what neem is.
(Neem comes from the Neem tree which is a tropical evergreen tree. This tree is native to India as well as other southeastern countries on the globe. Now the Neem tree also has many other uses besides just for enhancing soil. The seeds bark and leaves all contain compounds of the Neem tree that are proven antiseptics, antivirals, antipyretics, anti-inflammatories, and antifungals in their uses. The Neem tree is thus called “the village pharmacy” in India because of all the ways it’s used.)
Sorry i forgot to mention, I gave them a light watering with the neem tea before i started with the wick system so the top layer is moist. (i know it's a bit backward as they love moist soil)