I've got 1 plant that looks seeded. What's strange about it is its the only plant that looks seeded. Its at the back of the room, any pollen would have had to travel over other plants and the plants in front seem fine.
To me it looks seeded, but I've never had a full seeded plant before. So am wondering if its just swollen calyx's or some other type of mutation.
Here's the plant:
Here's the plants in front of it:
Not a brown pistil in sight on the plants around it. Also strangely its the higher buds. So pollen could have dropped on them, if they've been pollinated it must have been one of the males I culled, the pollen then going through the fans and over the plants in front and around the plant in the above pictures.
Either way I'm jot fussed as it's going to oil. Just never seen a seeded plant or mutation like this