On the 20th of November I placed an order for some CBD Auto seeds from a site that looked legit for Advanced Seeds. After receiving an email to confirm payment, I didn't receive any seeds so I emailed them to ask if they can tell me what's happening... No reply. Sent another email explaining I'm concerned by the fact they didn't reply to my last mail and I got no seeds... Still no reply.
Their Instagram link goes nowhere but they took the money from my account anyway.
So... I went looking for more info and found an email address through my PayPal payment to a different company name. After emailing this company, asking why my payment went to them but I received no seeds, I got a reply saying they'll send me the tracking number as soon as they get it. That was 03/01/22
Today I got a mail saying they've found my tracking number and thank you for your patience so I checked the tracking number was working and got this...
They only sent the seeds on 04/01/22
I'm pretty sure if I hadn't found this email address and contacted them, I wouldn't have received anything at all and I still don't think I'm getting what I ordered as they never asked for any order number or any other info and the site associated with this order is not the Advanced Seeds site.
Be careful out there