Totally agree. The cannabis hasn't changed, it's only what's going on inside that has. I've treated a lot of the symptoms through accepting them for what they are. Like a panic attack that makes me think I can't breathe... I know that I can and reminding myself of that fact usually stops that symptom in its tracks.Marcus wrote: ↑Fri Nov 19, 2021 10:50 amOnce you allow yourself to not be afraid of the anxiety, it holds no power over you.
Try embracing and facing those anxiety driven thoughts.
Cannabis is not the cure and answer to everything, like some would have us believe.
Sometimes a bit of soul searching, digging in the crates of the mind and accepting your issues is the best therapy.
Although It isn't a cure, it is far better for managing the problem than prescription pills. It helps me to be a functioning member of society rather than a zombie that's dead inside like xanax and Escitralopram did.
I'm at a point now where I can control it to some extent... Just the other night in work too many orders came in at once and the anxious feelings hit. I kinda told myself in my head "fuck off with this shit, nows not the time" and it went away and I smashed the orders out no problem.
Can't seem to do that at night when I want to relax though. Racing thoughts are super hard to calm without some sort of help. Some people choose alcohol, some people take the meds... I like something relatively safe... Like weed plus it tastes fuckin wonderful.
After this discussion I'm starting to think that maybe chasing the high isn't worth it. I'll try stronger ratios of CBD:THC up to 1:1 though, purely to see if something works better than something else.
I've also found that any strain high in limonine helps too, and also tastes amazing! I even ate half a lemon in work one night hoping that anxious knot would dissappear and it did... For about half an hour. Can't keep eating lemons though, ill end up with no teeth lol