Climate and Decarbonisation

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Re: Climate and Decarbonisation

Post by RB1 »

2-Scoops wrote:
Mon Oct 11, 2021 6:34 pm
Your all sound real pessimists here guys WW3 this that and t`other. China and Russia aren`t threatening anyone unless it`s one of many western powers telling us they are, it`s a load of shit that is man, i mean who are China threatening war with or Russia really ? All i see is west (NATO) breaking treaty`s that were signed when CCCP fell and pushing it to max with Ruski`s and they`re now flexing their arms with Chinese. Even that nutter Rocketman from North Korea i mean in all honesty can you recall him making threats to any country unless he was threatened first ? Who the fuck are we to tell anyone they can`t have this weapon or that weapon but we the right and proper countries (NATO) can have them. It`s all a load a load of bollox to make £ ie: arms trade. I`m not saying it wont ever kick off and go nuclear in WAR to end all wars. But yes another question, so who do you recon will drop/fire first NUKE BOMB in this WW3 ? Long and short of it and ranting over, i wanna see more optimism guys and doom and gloom and kiss my big fat arse. :running-around: :running-around: :running-around: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie:
I think up till now and so on, There's always been that portrail of demonizing the enemy. Its all like you said bull shit. The enemy image to keep a society together, kept in subtle fear... BS but with Taiwan's stance on keeping democracy, and China hellbent on reunification its posses a real threat in going past the normal rhetoric and very quickly becoming something that cant happen today with the might that been accumulated on all sides.

For some its intended as a deterrent for others they intend to use them...
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Re: Climate and Decarbonisation

Post by RB1 »

2-Scoops wrote:
Mon Oct 11, 2021 6:34 pm

Long and short of it and ranting over, i wanna see more optimism guys and doom and gloom and kiss my big fat arse. :running-around: :running-around: :running-around: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie:
:shit: :i agree: Sight OP :suicide:

"I thought i would start this thread to track and discuss the positive transition towards a healthier Planet over the coming years. might not be one for climate change deniers..."

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Re: Climate and Decarbonisation

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The planets climate has always changed, through the ice age and well before that when UK was a tropical something.....? :idn: What I do think though, is we may have sped up the process of climate change. So isn't it our problem to fix.

I think WW3 is taking things a bit far and I can see relevance in seeing this as completely negative and I am no climate change denier..... If we all concentrated on what is good for us and each other there wouldn't be a problem. Also war isn't usually due to climate change is it.....? Usually due to religion and strong beliefs which confilcts one another.

I think the best thing we can all do is do something about it, this is just doing what the fooking politicians do sin't it, talking within a fraternity to "sort" and talk the problem through.
I always say it's the people you hear keep moaning about something that are doing sod all about it!

My aim is to become self sufficient as is possible while keeping things sustainable. Hence why I love the thought of living soil, especially if you can make it last for as long as some claim!

Another aim is to work from home, no unecessary travelling, whether that be an EV or dirty Diesel which are most probably just as damaging to our environment as each other, just in different ways.

I don't think you can change other peoples ways without setting an example and letting others see what a great job you're doing to help human race for generations to come.
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RB1 (Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:29 pm)
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Re: Climate and Decarbonisation

Post by RB1 »

DIY.Rik wrote:
Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:26 pm
The planets climate has always changed, through the ice age and well before that when UK was a tropical something.....? :idn: What I do think though, is we may have sped up the process of climate change. So isn't it our problem to fix.

I think WW3 is taking things a bit far and I can see relevance in seeing this as completely negative and I am no climate change denier..... If we all concentrated on what is good for us and each other there wouldn't be a problem. Also war isn't usually due to climate change is it.....? Usually due to religion and strong beliefs which confilcts one another.

I think the best thing we can all do is do something about it, this is just doing what the fooking politicians do sin't it, talking within a fraternity to "sort" and talk the problem through.
I always say it's the people you hear keep moaning about something that are doing sod all about it!

My aim is to become self sufficient as is possible while keeping things sustainable. Hence why I love the thought of living soil, especially if you can make it last for as long as some claim!

Another aim is to work from home, no unecessary travelling, whether that be an EV or dirty Diesel which are most probably just as damaging to our environment as each other, just in different ways.

I don't think you can change other peoples ways without setting an example and letting others see what a great job you're doing to help human race for generations to come.
Yep exactly its our job to show the rest of the world how to do it.

Becoming self sufficient in as many things as possible is something we can all have a go at, in many ways with bit of thought.
Next year i move to a place with a large garden, I plan on building a tiny house earth cottage semi submerged and see how self sufficient you can be in terms of food, water, energy and hygiene. if it's sustainable why not move in and rent the house out... I live in one room in the winter and outside all summer working and keeping up 3 allotment plots... So why not have it all in one place and see how much time can be spent out the house, of the mains and out the shops.
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Re: Climate and Decarbonisation

Post by KD »

Didn't mean to go all doom and gloom. My points are valid though. Big corps won't allow profits to drop for climate change.

Something I have been thinking about since the volcano here in the Canary Islands erupted though... Is this crazy weather, tectonic events and weird shit going on actually climate change due to us, or is it just another cycle the planet goes through once every blue blue moon the corporations are somehow profiting from by making us believe its our fault? Like... The dinosaurs... Who's to say there weren't creatures before them that have loooong been wiped out and buried by one such cycle? Wouldn't they now be under that much debris that we just wouldn't find them now?
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Re: Climate and Decarbonisation

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I'm sure there is something someone can pull from this that is positive????

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Re: Climate and Decarbonisation

Post by KD »

DIY.Rik wrote:
Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:10 am
I'm sure there is something someone can pull from this that is positive????
How about.... There are still people out there that want positive changes for the entire planet and mother nature and there are things we can all do to help. That's a heartwarming thought eh 😁

I fact... Have you seen close encounters of the fifth kind? You should watch it. If just 1% of the population focused positive energy towards improving the planet, I reckon it'd happen.
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Re: Climate and Decarbonisation

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KD wrote:
Tue Oct 12, 2021 11:42 am
DIY.Rik wrote:
Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:10 am
I'm sure there is something someone can pull from this that is positive????
How about.... There are still people out there that want positive changes for the entire planet and mother nature and there are things we can all do to help. That's a heartwarming thought eh 😁

I fact... Have you seen close encounters of the fifth kind? You should watch it. If just 1% of the population focused positive energy towards improving the planet, I reckon it'd happen.
Sort of what I was trying to get at.
There's a difference between passion for something you believe in and negativity.

Haven't seen that no. Maybe I should have 🙈
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Re: Climate and Decarbonisation

Post by RB1 »

Getting it back on track.

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Re: Climate and Decarbonisation

Post by Guest »

RB1 wrote:
Tue Oct 12, 2021 1:29 pm
Getting it back on track.


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