Anyone on here know a bit about fruit trees?
See, the bloke who owned this house was a lazy fucker and decided to rip all the hedgerow out that surrounded the garden as he couldn't be arsed trimming the thing once a year. So we either need a fence (expensive) or I have come up with the genius idea (yes, I know... I;m humble

I was thinking cordon apples and plums, cherries and the odd pear etc. Anyone done this or know owt about planting and pruning cordon fruit trees?
Another idea was to cut the main stalk of normal fruit trees (whips) when we plant them, down to about 10 inches from the ground and hope that lots of branches grow up from the base and to train them into a column. This is where I need info, will they do this?. I have an Alan Titchmarsh book, but fuck me that bloke is boring as hell and there ain;t much info on fruit trees in there.
I am in need of an edible bush guru.
Googling edible bushes just brings up loads of smut on my computer, and I get easily sidetracked.