DynaVap's DynaTec Apollo 2 Induction Heater

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DynaVap's DynaTec Apollo 2 Induction Heater

Post by Egzoset »


Apparently a 2nd generation of IH-driver specifically created for the DynaVap has arrived:

YouTube: DynaTec Induction Heater by DynaVap - Product Demo | GWNVC's Vaporizer Reviews @ 0:35 (2020-Feb-11)

12 Volts @ 6 A

YouTube: DynaVap Live | January 30th, 2020 4:19 p.m. CST | DynaTec with guest Chris Bailey (2020-Jan-30)

Good day, have fun!! :bye:
Vaporist of Borg.

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Re: DynaVap's DynaTec Apollo 2 Induction Heater

Post by Merseyman »

I’d love one of these for my dynavap, I think they are overpriced at the moment thought, I mean there really isn’t that much inside them, I may have a go at making my own I’m prity sure it wouldn’t be that hard.
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Re: DynaVap's DynaTec Apollo 2 Induction Heater

Post by Egzoset »

Salutations Merseyman,

Many months were required for me just to manage acquiring a somewhat clearer perspective, too bad it had to arrive so late.

Essentially i can refer to this fresh comment i've posted only hours ago, IMO some of the observations would be similar:

Announcing the Flite, Fluxer Heater's new, pocket-sized, 18350-powered portable IH for Dynavap (2020-Dec-18)

#1) IMHO a Staggered/Cascode "Flying Capacitor" Class-D MA12070 topology would allow thickness to be trimmed down by nearly ~1.5 cm (or 9/16 ~ 19/32 in.).

#2) Consequently, weight/volume should diminish as well - not to mention it's flux-concentration magnetics which are being optimized by doing so.

#3) Usually amovible power cells sounds like a great idea, except in presence of intense current paths going through mechanical connectors!

#4) Actually PWM mode is low (audible) frequency only (as i recall...); this is similar to a light dimmer or a conventional stove thermostat: e.g. it alternates between Full-On and Full-Off states, nothing proportional inbetween.

#5) Each puff costs about 540 joules, doing it with only ~100 shall extend battery life to 270 clicks per charge - if you dare!!...

#6) This is basically a glorified Mazzilli ("Royer ZVS", ref.: pat. 1954) still not featured with pulse-by-pulse over-current protection; as a matter of fact, the power stage functions in "open-loop" mode - e.g. without retro-action meant to provide automatic correction besides manual adjustment. In other words it's called a "dumb" circuit in opposition to a controller - and that's exactly why a redudant power switch must feed power using a high-current path, although there are 2 gates hard-wired to positive bias via a pair of resistors that range around a few hundred Ohms each. Go figure why!

#7) Unfortunately there's plenty of literature accumulating since 2008 ~ 2009 when Mazzilli's technical skills were invested on Flyback Transformer + Tesla Coils, which raises serious concern over the matter of catastrophic failure modes unless carefull Boucherot/Zobel/Snubber design kicks in (...), especially when dealing with frequent workload insertion/removal i'm afraid!

#8) In addition, it turns out the NoFlame/SJK + DynaVap VapCap duo was NOT planned, the delivery device being clearly overweight as a result of its "clicker" rendered necessary in absence of a closed-loop system exploited in combination with Curie alloys, since it's an obvious opportunity to monitor susceptor temperature, in order to give proper output control. As a bonus i claim even display-less/button-less haptic/audible user-interfacing can be supported then!

#9) Too bad the power stage generates ZERO feedback-signal here - or please correct with an update - but then what's the point of an over-simplified open-loop design in the 1st place!?

#10) Green at night may be OKay but i'd have prefered blue, or why not a multicolour rainbow if there needs to be any LED at all!

#11) People only need to upload their "Gerber" file to a PCBoard manufacturer to get it done professionally, yet such asset won't compensate for conceptual work which ignored other important matters as Radio-Frequency "noise" while too much of it is a clear hint of wasted energy...

#12) Being more a prototype than a finished product which can be carried around freely i find the lack of an external reference-clock synchronization signal to constitute a major handicap (for future experiments).

#13) Personally i'd expect aircrafts just to refuse boarding with such a contraption in the luggages.

At a cost of 220 $ US (+ sh.) one may as well prefer to try his luck with alternative NON-Mazzilli solutions, even if some hacker moddifications are required. Which reminds me the RMCybernetics "CRO-SM2" module is specifically advertized as an Induction Heater too!!

Merry Christmass!! :roll:

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Re: DynaVap's DynaTec Apollo 2 Induction Heater

Post by IMO »

Merseyman wrote:
Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:55 am
I’d love one of these for my dynavap, I think they are overpriced at the moment thought, I mean there really isn’t that much inside them, I may have a go at making my own I’m prity sure it wouldn’t be that hard.
I agree they are overpriced for what they are they must cost peanuts to make

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Re: DynaVap's DynaTec Apollo 2 Induction Heater

Post by Norseman »

From what i understand they make the Dynavap experience a lot better since they heat up the weed to a perfect temp.
I would love to try one but i won't buy one at the price they are set at right now. They gotta come down on the price to become more attractive.
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DynaVap's DynaTec Apollo 2 Induction Heater

Post by Egzoset »

Salutations IMO,
Salutations Norseman,
IMO wrote:
Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:39 pm
...there really isn’t that much inside... ...they must cost peanuts to make...
M'yeah, although i'm not prepared to dispute cost from a provider's perspective it's still hardly cost-efficient despite all manpower optimization that was done already.
Norseman wrote:
Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:47 pm
They gotta come down on the price to become more attractive.
Well, if you're into DiY projects perhaps the roomy NoFlame/SJK casing would fit RMCybernetic's 5 x 5 cm "CRO-SM2" ready-made module (at least in the meantime!):

[ https:// www.growroom420.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=10840 ]
Amann Girrbach - NoFlame Plus (Deu, Eng, Fre, Ita, Spa)

There's been reports of damage when attempting to use this with a DV VC but i feel quite confident that its 130 Watts would still support a consumption method which "costs" a mere ~100 Joules rather than an inflated ~540 J (as with DVs rendered overweight because of their "cliker" key-feauture) - which results from the simple fact that it wasn't planned for Induction Heat until Hackerman provided some echo to my initial IH suggestions, posted around 2011...

My recommendation basically remained unchanged since this very begining - e.g. susceptor's *MASS* must be kept lightweight in order NOT to exceed the NoFlame/SJK maximum operational range (doing so keeps it compliant with "iP20 Protection" standards) if used "as-is". Of course, stuffing the casing with really evolved "smart" ~1 sq. cm chips (as the multilevel Class-D switched-capacitor Infineon MA12070...) would help to propel it into another dimension!

Besides: it's already been done before, just not yet! ...

Good day, have fun!! Image

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