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First Timer Organic

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Re: First Timer Organic

Post by buddy8 »

Checking in with another update! 15 days post transplant. Officially the beginning of week 9 Veg. Although I’m prepared to flip to flowering I have a few questions/concerns before doing so.
I know humidity during flowering shouldn’t exceed 50 to avoid mold. Over the last few days humidity has been between 50-55%. I have 2, 6” oscillating clip on fans placed on opposite sides of tent (32x32x63).
Should I get a bigger fan and place it on the floor to assist with air circulation, or just simply invest in a small dehumidifier?
Which times of day are best to run 12/12 light schedule?
Any final tips before entering into flowering?


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Re: First Timer Organic

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buddy8 wrote:
Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:48 pm
Checking in with another update! 15 days post transplant. Officially the beginning of week 9 Veg. Although I’m prepared to flip to flowering I have a few questions/concerns before doing so.
I know humidity during flowering shouldn’t exceed 50 to avoid mold. Over the last few days humidity has been between 50-55%. I have 2, 6” oscillating clip on fans placed on opposite sides of tent (32x32x63).
Should I get a bigger fan and place it on the floor to assist with air circulation, or just simply invest in a small dehumidifier?
Which times of day are best to run 12/12 light schedule?
Any final tips before entering into flowering?


From what I've read, listened to and experienced is humidity is more of a problem when its fluctuating rapidly.

My big tent was 80% the other day. I have no dehumidifier either. Another expense I've not delved into yet.

I woild invest in more fans 1st. Just my opinion though. See what others think 1st maybe.
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Re: First Timer Organic

Post by kbag »

You will need more air movement than just the 6" clip on fans. iI suggest looking at others set up's on here as there is a few ways to do i like a floor fan and fans blowing across the tops.

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Re: First Timer Organic

Post by JJ »

I did not see any mention of exhaust fans to rid humidity,just circulating fans

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Re: First Timer Organic

Post by buddy8 »

Checking in with an update, it's been 30 days since the last update! Growing 2 (organic) white widow with kindsoil and fox farm coco loco, 3 gal smart pot & 5 gal pot, 600w LED in 32x32x63 tent, with 2 six inch clip on fans and 1 oscillating tower fan (16 in) and an inline fan with carbon filter. Both plants are doing extremely well (as far as I can tell), they have grown a few inches in the last 4 weeks. Plant A (right) is 4'4 and plant B (left) 3'6. Light hangs at about 18' from both plants, running 12/12 light schedule, on from 8pm-8am & off 8am-8pm. Currently, in week 4 of the flowering stage, watering typically between 2-4 days with distilled water. Plant A (5 gal) water between 8-9.5 cups, Plant B (3 gal) 6-7.5 cups. Cups vary depending on if watering on day 2 (since last water) or day 4. Pistils are growing so nicely and stems are still holding strong, no signs a mold, a few leaves have fallen/turned yellow, however I read this is normal. During the dark hours temps range from 74 degrees F -78F with rh at 48%. During the light hours (typical shortly after watering) temps rise, ranging from 78 degrees F- 82F with rh at 52%. Fans work well, good airflow, I also have a small dehumidifier, no smell as of yet, not sure if it's doing much but I am still low stress training both plants with trellis net. Looking forward to some beautiful buds, hopefully the yield turns out as great as this process has been. Although this is my first grow, I recommend an organic grow, specifically kindsoil, the "water only" method allows the medium to do all the work, no nutrients/supplements necessary. Feel free to drop any flowering or harvesting tips/suggestions I should be aware of in the coming weeks! As I'm approaching the final few weeks of my first grow, I would love some strain recommendations for my next grow, looking to start by the end of the month, preferably high yield and obviously as potent as they come, drop your suggestions!
Check out a few pics , until next time!
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Re: First Timer Organic

Post by buddy8 »

Checking in with an update, it's been 15 days since the last update! Growing 2 (organic) white widow with kindsoil and fox farm coco loco, 3 gal smart pot & 5 gal pot, 600w LED in 32x32x63 tent, with 2 six inch clip on fans and 1 oscillating tower fan (16 in) and an inline fan with carbon filter. Both plants are doing extremely well (as far as I can tell), I’m beginning to see slight more yellowing on leaves and a few leaves falling off, however pistils are growing lovely and an aroma is developing. Currently we are in week 6 of flowering stage. This is the “water only” method with no nutrients or additional amendments required. I’m watering 3 gal pot with about 8 cups of distilled water and the 5 gallon pot with about 10 cups of water. I’d love any feedback or tips as I approach the final weeks of flowering!
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Re: First Timer Organic

Post by Guest »

buddy8 wrote:
Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:39 pm
Checking in with an update, it's been 15 days since the last update! Growing 2 (organic) white widow with kindsoil and fox farm coco loco, 3 gal smart pot & 5 gal pot, 600w LED in 32x32x63 tent, with 2 six inch clip on fans and 1 oscillating tower fan (16 in) and an inline fan with carbon filter. Both plants are doing extremely well (as far as I can tell), I’m beginning to see slight more yellowing on leaves and a few leaves falling off, however pistils are growing lovely and an aroma is developing. Currently we are in week 6 of flowering stage. This is the “water only” method with no nutrients or additional amendments required. I’m watering 3 gal pot with about 8 cups of distilled water and the 5 gallon pot with about 10 cups of water. I’d love any feedback or tips as I approach the final weeks of flowering!
Mate, every organic grow I've done I've had the same problem. There is this "talk" about and like you say yourself that give water and let the soil do all the work. Now I feel this attitude that I have well adopted myself due to a busy life/work balance with what energy I have, this has landed me with the same problem every time. Slightly crispy wellowing of tips I misunderstood for nutrient burn too, then the yellowing leaves would appear. I have started writing up a few nutrient and watering schedules. I will water in aloe concentrate and fuvlic concentrate on a rotar inbetween plain waterings, also a weekly Mammoth P watering. I will then add small amounts of different amendmants each week. I think with organic growing you need to read the plant, every day, then evaluate a long term plan and solution. hydro is a game of daily maintenence and numbers, organics is all about a long term investment and being at one with the plant :lol: reading what the plamnt tells you as it grows.

It may be worth mentioning like GHO has pointed out before, if you're in 50L tubs or less you'll need constant top up with teas and ferments etc....
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Re: First Timer Organic

Post by buddy8 »

@DIY.Rik , thanks for the feedback! Is it too late to top this far along? A few colas on the lower leaves aren’t growing quite as rapidly as the colas closest to the lights, which hang at about 18”. Should I be worried? Would it be a bad idea to cut them with hopes of energy being transferred in growing the more developed colas? Will lowering lights help? This is the first time I’ve felt like a new inexperienced grower, up until now I’ve grown with confidence lol!

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Guest (Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:27 pm)

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Re: First Timer Organic

Post by Guest »

buddy8 wrote:
Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:24 pm
@DIY.Rik , thanks for the feedback! Is it too late to top this far along? A few colas on the lower leaves aren’t growing quite as rapidly as the colas closest to the lights, which hang at about 18”. Should I be worried? Would it be a bad idea to cut them with hopes of energy being transferred in growing the more developed colas? Will lowering lights help? This is the first time I’ve felt like a new inexperienced grower, up until now I’ve grown with confidence lol!

It takes up to 2 weeks for a top dress to start working, so effectively that would be a yes where I stand. The last grow I just chopped, in fact I've just stopped trimming for a break (music on radio was terrible anyway 😆 lol) I used a liquid organic feed from growth technology and noticed results after 1 day of application, the stuff smokes smooth too. I'm more worried about what has been sprayed on my produce, so I don't spray anything through the whole grow unless its natural and/organic. Like home made recepies.

Maybe try a quicker feed application of sorts to see you through. I've been there before and there isn't really any other way. Unless you can start a good compost tea going. Bat guano is supposed to be quick acting from what I remember but don't hold my on that.

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Re: First Timer Organic

Post by Guest »

12 to 18 inches is around normal for an LED light.

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