Meross Hygrometer + Thermometer with Hub

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Meross Hygrometer + Thermometer with Hub

Post by wutang »

Got one of these units off Amazon as I wanted something to show me history of temps / humidity

The sensor is tiny, and so is the hub, but the range is great! Hub connects to your WiFi 2.4ghz and sensor talks to hub.

App is limited in terms of looking at numerical data as you're just presented with a graph. However you can export to csv via their cloud, which emails you the data. Id prefer it export locally, and have the option of numerical representation in the graph too. I've fed this back to the developers. I'll see if I can get the forum a discount if its allowed. It's 35.99 fulfilled by amazon.

The sensor does have an LED light which is active when pairing. Right now I'm in veg so it hasn't bothered me so much, but I'm going to take it out when I flip, incase it emits light. Ive asked Meross if you can turn it off permenantly.

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Re: Meross Hygrometer + Thermometer with Hub

Post by wutang »

Just to add to this, I had the meross hanging from the top of the tent and the SONOF hygrometer and plant level. During lights off both temp and humidity were identical. I was sceptical at first about the accuracy of these things but this would hopefully mean they are as accurate as can be. Cheers

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Re: Meross Hygrometer + Thermometer with Hub

Post by Sage »

Nice bit of tech thanks for the write up. Could you cover the led in black nail polish so you could use in flower as well?
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wutang (Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:02 pm)
Anyone that has time for drama is not gardening enough.

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Re: Meross Hygrometer + Thermometer with Hub

Post by wutang »

sageridder wrote:
Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:32 pm
Nice bit of tech thanks for the write up. Could you cover the led in black nail polish so you could use in flower as well?
Possibly. It seems pretty fiddly to open, but it can't be impossible as theres a CR coin battery which can be replaced. I'm just trying to minimise my risk of messing up flowering, as they've been in veg for a while now as I'm waiting for a new tent. So if it did screw up, its a lot of energy costs and time wasted. Already had to chop 2 down due to an emergency holiday a few months back. So i started again with these two. I'll probably leave it out this time and use the SONOF as the sensor doesn't have any lights. Being quite para I know, but they're growing so sweet now even better than my NFT attempts in a shit environment. So I've got a lot of pressure stacked behind me to get this grow right my head that is! :Stoned:

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