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Cannabis endophytes with antagonistic effects against pathogens.

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Cannabis endophytes with antagonistic effects against pathogens.

Post by GMO »

Cannabis endophytes with antagonistic effects against pathogens.

Organism ---------------------------------- Target pathogen ----------------------------- Activity


Penicillium copticola L3 -------------------- Trichothecium roseum -------------------- Growth inhibition
Paecilomyces lilacinus A3 --------------------- Botrytis cinerea ---------------------------- Growth inhibition
Alternaria alternata CN1----------------------- Fusarium solani ---------------------------- Growth inhibition
Aspergillus niger 2 -------------------------- Curvularia lunata--------------------------- Growth inhibition

Pseudomonas fulva BTC8-1 ------------- Botrytis cinerea -----------------------------Cellulase,HCN Siderophore
P. orientalis BTG8-5 ------------------------- Botrytis cinerea -----------------------------Cellulase, IAA,Siderophore
Paenibacillus sp. MOSEL-w13 ------------ Aspergillus niger,Fusarium oxysporum ---Growth inhibition

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Re: Cannabis endophytes with antagonistic effects against pathogens.

Post by Guest »

I'm going to grab a bong or two, a cupa and have a tea and read through some more of this. After getting bud rot myself in the jar, this may be worth looking at.

Am I right in thinking botrytis (or some forms) can be dormant in the plant until the conditions are right for it to produce and spread?
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Re: Cannabis endophytes with antagonistic effects against pathogens.

Post by GMO »

DIY.Rik wrote:I'm going to grab a bong or two, a cupa and have a tea and read through some more of this. After getting bud rot myself in the jar, this may be worth looking at.

Am I right in thinking botrytis (or some forms) can be dormant in the plant until the conditions are right for it to produce and spread?
That's how I understand bud rot to work man... sets in well before you see it trying to reproduce

translated from the bongo of the canna jungle

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Re: Cannabis endophytes with antagonistic effects against pathogens.

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What is more interesting about this is flavanoids and quercitin are both powerful antioxidants found in Cannabis. Quercetin can be antiviral and has been known to act against coronavorus apparently:
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Re: Cannabis endophytes with antagonistic effects against pathogens.

Post by GMO »

DIY.Rik wrote:What is more interesting about this is flavanoids and quercitin are both powerful antioxidants found in Cannabis. Quercetin can be antiviral and has been known to act against coronavorus apparently:
Yeah man, the colours purple and red are specific compounds with documented uses. I'm really high but I'm sure goggle will help better than me atm explaining

translated from the bongo of the canna jungle

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Re: Cannabis endophytes with antagonistic effects against pathogens.

Post by Guest »

.......also can be anti infammatory too, plus something to do with anti mutant for cancer cells or something.

Interesting stuff GMO :thanks:
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Re: Cannabis endophytes with antagonistic effects against pathogens.

Post by Guest »

GMO wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:21 pm
DIY.Rik wrote:What is more interesting about this is flavanoids and quercitin are both powerful antioxidants found in Cannabis. Quercetin can be antiviral and has been known to act against coronavorus apparently:
Yeah man, the colours purple and red are specific compounds with documented uses. I'm really high but I'm sure goggle will help better than me atm explaining

translated from the bongo of the canna jungle
Throw some my way then lol, im eeeeeeking out some little bags of vitually nothing I had to pick up. Alright though, just not enough of it! :suicide:

Oooooh that's good to know about the purples and reds, I'm doing rainbow candy after my banana blaze. Apparently loads of colours in that! :oik!:
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Re: Cannabis endophytes with antagonistic effects against pathogens.

Post by GHO »

I've been wondering if regular foliar with antifungals like aloe will nip it in the proverbial bud.
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GMO (Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:43 pm)

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Re: Cannabis endophytes with antagonistic effects against pathogens.

Post by GMO »

GHO wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:41 pm
I've been wondering if regular foliar with antifungals like aloe will nip it in the proverbial bud.
Im attempting the dominate and subdue technique lol

bacillus subtillus foliar to block the sites and knock back any spores and EM for the LAB cos apparently lactic acid will also hold it off (im using raw aloe as a surfactant with both :D)
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