indianagolfpro - 300w
Donkey222 - ISH530 R
Greenfingers -
Kbag - ISH256 Pro
To the Video app.php/vgallery/kbag/19/268
Thrasherdude - 1 x Todogrowled TGL Star 60/3590 and 1 x Todogrowled TGL Star 60
Grumpy - Lumatek Attis 300w
Sybarite - ISH530 Type R
Minty - ISH150
Josh - 2 x HLG65
To the Video app.php/vblog/integrajosh/14/272
GMO - ISH V1 120w
To the Video app.php/vgallery/gmo/6/275
Ohitshim - ISH75
Weedabix - 300w soon to be ISH BR100
Oliver -
MrNice - ISH150 PRO
Point 5 - ISH 4R
TheBlackDouglas99 - invisible sun pro 150
Newli420 - ish265br xl
GrowTurtl - Invisible Sun 4R XL
Mafoo - Eco Farm 120w and Eco Fram 440w
Hmr - Spiderfarmer 450