" amazing logo light thing " Ah Its my Tv and the logo i made my self well borrowed Gr420 logos and played with them........ was thinking to get custom print done on a black t-shirt
SmartMrNice wrote:
" amazing logo light thing " Ah Its my Tv and the logo i made my self well borrowed Gr420 logos and played with them........ was thinking to get custom print done on a black t-shirt
My guess would be a monitor with some special GrowRoom420 pixels on it ;o)
Give it to me ;o)
How come minty New and Improved Forum that aint never gonna happen ...........>? why
In my experience OLD people just don't like change mate - they do accept it, and appreciate it, but don't like trying it...
Well minty mods for 50 years old you're neuro plastic man nice to see change is alright with you. Good on ya your energy seems to suggest otherwise. Couldn't tellMinty wrote:In my experience OLD people just don't like change mate - they do accept it, and appreciate it, but don't like trying it...
Personally I'm pretty old myself, 50 this January, but I am totally up for all changes that tech brings as it just moves so fast, react or die pretty much is how you survive in a digital world. But I'm just a Boomer, what do I know ;o)