they look truly truly shit, and im embarrassed to post these pics, but hey, we all fuck up sometimes and they might come back. (so might tank tops)
the psychos soil has compacted to a concrete consistency. I previously added coco and perlite when I potted up, but the middle bit is honestly like rock. Jacks magic should be called jacks concrete, its shit. Capn was right... I decided to poke a stick into the soil in a attempt to get some aeriation in there, but its not looking good. At this stage ive nothing to lose, im gonna leave them to dry right out and see if it makes any odds, but if not- to the sheep they go...…

Those of a nervous disposition, look away now

the ones that were in jacks shit have now been repotted into party cups of fresh coco. I did undoubtedly lose some rootage from most of them when I transplanted them, but im hoping they forgive me. IM also hoping coco should be easier than growing in concrete.
and some of the others, top right clockwise its purps#1, er blue cheese,, er, cali hash plant and OGKZ.