Wassup GR420! Time for another round of poker. Every week we are playing a game on Sundays at 8pm UK time. In order to enter you need to let me know in this topic. Only players entered in this topic will have access to the poker room while the tournament is being played. Players will need to be in the forum chat at 7:45pm UK time.
5 x Critical Gorilla from Expert Seeds!
We are playing these games as a league. 50 points for 1st place, 30 for 2nd, 10 for 3rd.
Players must enter in this topic.
Players must be in chat before 8pm UK time ready to play.
Table will close for late entries at 8:20 UK time.
If you are out of chips please leave the table, do not rejoin.
These users thanked the author Keeno for the post (total 2):
I got proper knocked out really early last Sunday... on the same hand as you Keeno... i lost with 3 of a kind i think...
I will play this Sunday plz... hopefully will last longer this time LOL..
Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
These users thanked the author Glynne420 for the post:
Who beat me last week, i lost to them in final, was, my heads a shed man. I think it was Josh ? and Ticktock 3rd ? or am i tripping on a dripping cake again ?
"But your still looking at me that same damn way............ Like i just shit in your scrambled eggs" > Negan, Walking Dead
Who beat me last week, i lost to them in final, was, my heads a shed man. I think it was Josh ? and Ticktock 3rd ? or am i tripping on a dripping cake again ?
I got proper knocked out really early last Sunday... on the same hand as you Keeno... i lost with 3 of a kind i think...
I will play this Sunday plz... hopefully will last longer this time LOL..
Who beat me last week, i lost to them in final, was, my heads a shed man. I think it was Josh ? and Ticktock 3rd ? or am i tripping on a dripping cake again ?