Canna resin modifications

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Canna resin modifications

Post by J_N20 »

I’m after chemotherapy, grown my own and want to try use cannabis different. I’ve already have a STORM vape pen, but I always want to try extracts (illegal in our country), instead of natural cannabis. My question is, which type of extract will be suitable. I’ve watched a lot of videos about making resin by hair dryier (have a little consumption - so dont want to spend money for Nugsmasher or special exctractor), furthermore it needs additional processes as winterizing, cleaning, or even adding vape juices...If you look at type of vape I mentioned above, can you recommend me something to made at home (not complicated) ? Or is the uncleaned resin from dryier safe to smoke “raw” (there are some unwanted plant product f.e.: lipids, chlorophyle...).

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Re: Canna resin modifications

Post by Sage »

If your after chemotherapy I'd suggest looking up full extract cannabis oils making you want the entourage effect of cbd and thc. That said you absorb somewhere around 20% maybe when vaping. If you make edibles or a tincture your more in the high 30% or more, but the highest absorption closer to 80% is suppositories. Unpleasant as that is it's the best medically speaking altho don't expect to get high this way it's not processed by your body the same way.
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Re: Canna resin modifications

Post by J_N20 »

Thanks! Can I ask about your preferred method and temperature? I also saw a method, where was made RSO, which was after making soluted by classic olive oil (but its not full spectre oil i guess (?)) I’m also curious about CBD/THC ratio. Is it optional to have ratio of dryied flowers 1:1??

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