As I've recently bumped this thread >>> aloe-vera-4407 which lists the many attributes of aloe vera, but some may be wondering how to make use and actually apply the miracle plant in your own growing. Really quick and simple once you have a few happy Aloe at home (they love a good windowsill and will explode with growth when you're not watching.)
Take a nice hearty "blade" (not sure that's the right term but it works.

Slice the bottom to open the inside if it didn't split when removing from the plant.
At this point its good to give it a good firm massage to loosen the guts and release what you'll see looks remarkably like plant snot.
add this plant snot (life juice i name it badly but its like liquid gold) to some warm ish water and stir for a short while
after a good stir it'll go kinda cloudy and will being to try separating again fairly quick so I find best stirred then applied.
I chose to bottom feed this time round as I'm looking to encourage roots out from the pellets which are still nice and damp.
but that's about it, cheap and cheerful.