Evening growroom
Time for some more fun , the GR420 fruit and veg grow off
So we all like to grow different veg and fruits in the summer ,all types carrots , potatoes , onions , runner beans , radish , leeks , sweetcorn ,apples , strawberries , the list is endless
Lets go simple , grow what fruit or veg u want ,lets enter up to 3 diff ones ,or just 1 its up to you what u enter , can be the size , the strangeness ,the amount of crop u produce , the prettiness ,what ever floats your boat even if its just your first grow and your proud of it
This will run until well into sept giving us all plenty of time to sort out what we need
1st 1000 GR420 points
GR Point are the new currency of GR420. These points will allow you to purchase seeds and other items from the new GR Points shop. Points will replace the old system of random packs of seeds for each competition
50 posts to enter
winner will be picked by a vote
enter up to 3 diff veg
final pics must have dated sign
update in here would b good so i can keep up to date whos growing what
Thank You All ... Happy Growing