Good evening everyone , lets have some fun , ok im kicking off some comps early ,give everyone time to get themselves sorted
The GR420 chilli or pepper grow off so easy as , just grow your chilli or pepper plant from seed dont matter if its out the garden , on the window sill or under lights up to you
This will run right through till at least Sept to give all growers a chance
Myself i will b growing on the window sill hopefully ive got a load of chilli seeds that i had sent to me ages ago ...thank u sweetie just stick your name down and say your in for a giggle
1st 1000 Gr420 points
GR Point are the new currency of GR420. These points will allow you to purchase seeds and other items from the new GR Points shop. Points will replace the old system of random packs of seeds for each competition
Must b started from seed
Pic with seed packet please on pot up
50 posts to enter
Winner will be by vote off
Pop as many as u want but only one plant for final entry
End pic to have sign and date please
A little update in here would b good now and then
Thank You Everyone , Happy Growing