How I deal with thrips on cannabis plants
I've had thrips twice now. I tried a couple methods the first time round. Bring in a out building growing it was a matter of time till I had a pest visit if sometime.
The first time I got thrips I first tried a product called EC5, this done the job but also done a lot of damage to the young plants I used it in, so much so I had to kill them and start again. My cloned plants did survive but took a while to recover from the treatment. It was short lived to as the thrips come back a week or 2 after.
2nd treatment was with neem oil. This stuff is just nasty. It done less damage to the plants I used it on but was plain nasty to use and made everything stink for a while. Again it was short lived as the thrips came back after a couple weeks.
The issue with both the above treatments is that they need to be used directly onto your plants. This would be a real issue in flower as you do not want stuff like this on your buds. And it's a one time treatment that stops working shortly after you use them. I needed something else that would mess by plants up and I could use in flower if I had to.
After some research I found a product called no pest strips by hotshot. I was a bit dubious. How could a small strip kill like a chemical sprayed directly to a plant. They are not that expensive so I bought a few.
Within days everything in that tent was dead except my plants. In fact the plants were totally unaffected by the strips. The best part is these strips keep working for up to 4 months. When I looked at the dates from when I last put fresh strips into my groom is was around 4 months. So the previous ones has run out.
How i use them
Firstly these strips are no joke. I do not recommend you play around with them. I had a sniff like tool when I first used em and nearly fell over lol.
The minute you open the foil packaging you will get a hint of them, they are strong. I place a couple in the effected tent, turn off the extraction and lights and seal the tent. I like to leave it fir a good 12-24 hours. I'll have a fan inside the tent gently moving air about but that's it. If anything if alive in there this first concentrated treatment should do the trick as it's a sealed environment. I then fire my extraction and lights back up and use the tent normally, leaving the strips in there.
These kill everything. I dint get fungus gnats, thrips, mites, nothing. And I should as I'm growing in a outbuilding that's surrounded by a garden. They really are the real deal.
They have other uses to. Many growers will get clones or even plants from a friend. You can put any plants/clones you get into a box and drop one of these strips in there, a type of quarantine. Stopping you getting any pests from elsewhere.
I highly recommend these. As long as they are in a good ventilated tent I have never noticed any issues using them constantly and I dont see any creepy crawlies in any of my tents.