plants are currently mid flower,
Humidity : Too high (working on it / waiting for better dehumidifier to arrive)
Temp Day/Night (25/21)
PH: around 6.5
Roots: seem healthy no nasty smells or dirty runoff
Nutrients + dosages: Monkey Nutrients (Bloom a+b 4.5ml per litre, calmag 2ml per litre, Boost 2ml per litre.).
so these plants have been moderately tame recently, no major issues until 2 days ago (excluding swapping ligths and timer messing up previously).
some leafs here and there have developed a random spot but havent gotten any worse.
leafs on 1 plants have started to curl upwards and burn(ish) looking tips
damage to a few leaf
majority of this damage is on 1-2 plants out of 6
anyone got any ideas on what could be causing this? wind burn/light burn possibly? had a look at the deficienys page and a few things look possible so have adjusted fans etc but will await the knowledge of you guys incase im missing the obvious, being moderately new to this im kinda prone to go over the top and change a load of stuff trying to fix a problem without properly diagnosing it to begin with