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RH and stretch - Are they related?

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RH and stretch - Are they related?

Post by Bulls »

Good evening stoners. Somethings bugging my mind. During the dry period in the summer my plants stayed very low and stretched very little. Humidity was about 35%. Next time, same strain towards september nearly went through the roof. Humidity was 60-65%.
Now I've been using a dehumidifier and my RH is around 30-35 again and plants stayed nice and low. For me is importtant as I only have 1.6 tent.
What are your thoughts? Is the low humidity the key as well as the close lights on/off temperature?
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Re: RH and stretch - Are they related?

Post by Rubbered »

how you doing mate,

it could ? i dont know if i am right but when i think of a plant drying out its pot does it stretch then? like cant find food stretch for more sunlight to grow more roots to find food? who knows stoned thoughts off top of my head lol but if thats the case then surely humidity would play a part in how fast medium would dry out or how fast the plant drinks?

thinking back to when i done a snider n had to go away for the weekend and i turned my lights off and left it, came back in it was mahooooosive lol yellow n shit but it was huge haha made me wonder if it was in all out search mode for light and food. (roots grow as shoots grow?) cant mind if someone says to me before that if you measured a plants roots they would be the same height as the plant?

lets waffle waffle haha have a good one mate
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Re: RH and stretch - Are they related?

Post by Hydro »

Direct effect of vpd if you ask me buddy unless your temps were within range to negate the low relative humidity it could effect the growth during stretch ... Image
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Re: RH and stretch - Are they related?

Post by Rubbered »

Hydro wrote:
Fri Jan 15, 2021 5:27 pm
Direct effect of vpd if you ask me buddy unless your temps were within range to negate the low relative humidity it could effect the growth during stretch ... Image
quality picture amigo :clap:
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Re: RH and stretch - Are they related?

Post by Marcus »

Dunno Bully Boy,

BUT... Root restriction can help you with stretch.

Try smaller pots or potting them up mid/end of stretch. ???


EDIT - SO yeah, thinking about it if your RH was low, the pots will have dried out more and the roots filled the pots better... High RH and the pots stayed wetter longer, stunting the roots...

There ya go. Just made up an explanation.

:oik!: :i agree:
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Re: RH and stretch - Are they related?

Post by JJ »

Sounds right by me.....idk

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Re: RH and stretch - Are they related?

Post by kbag »

Like this question Bulls. Environment has a big impact on plants as we know. The weird thing is the higher humidity slows transpiration and in dryer climates the faster the transpiration. So with the lower humidity you are pulling up more water through the plant carrying all the sugars minerals etc. I do not think this would affect the plants stretch considerably, but combine this with consistently higher temps and im sure they would stretch. The plants leaves will open the stomata more in high temps to cool themselves creating more photosynthesis and plants grow faster.
Of course there is a limit to this in temps and humidity its finding the balance. Humidity over 80% and low temps the plants will close the stomata and growth will stall.
So my conclusion to your question is your temps were consistently higher causing the plant to open the stomata wider to cool the leaves upping the humidity as they transpire. This would cause the plant to drink more allowing the plant to grow more vigorous as its not restricted by drought.

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Re: RH and stretch - Are they related?

Post by Bulls »

@kbag I'd say the lights off temperatures were indeed higher in the summer. BUT again I've grown that strain few times and it stretched in hot,cold, any temperature. But also remained short too. My only other change is the humidity. Only now and that time in the summer I've kept plants that nice and short. I need to veg one more lot to be able to make a conclusion.
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