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Fan and Filter calculation

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Fan and Filter calculation

Post by wutang »

I know I've asked some indirectly when trying to control heat and humidity, however I just thought I'd thrash it out here and get some opinions, as I've had mixed opinions from various retailers and other forum topics I've read.

So I have a 5" rvk and Rhino Pro setup, with acoustic ducting ready to go into my 1.2x1.2x2.2m tent

I will mainly use either 250w or 400w Dual spectrum lights, or maybe even a 600w at some point if I can keep the temps/humidity at a decent level depending on season. Tents in a garage, and U.K

Will my 5" fan and filter be sufficient? If I got a fan controller to slow it down to keep it warmer inside the tent as I have a heater, will this kill my negative pressure. I guess what I'm trying to find out is whether my 5" is just right, and slowing it down a little with a fan controller will not create enough negative pressure to deal with odour issues, or do I still have some adjustment to play with, i.e. slow it down

If any of you own the same size or larger tent with the same fan and filter combo like me, I'd love to hear from you :)


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Re: Fan and Filter calculation

Post by Donkey222 »

Best way to find out is switch it on if the sides of the tent suck in you know your on the right track

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Re: Fan and Filter calculation

Post by wutang »

Cheers guys.

I did the calc with the filter, I have short ducting and probabaly one minor bend.

1.2x1.2x2.2 x 60 = 190.08m3/h
x 1.3 for filter = 228m3/h

The 5" rvk moves 220m3/h

The next step up was the l1 at 323m3/h which I thought was overkill.


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