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Photobiology Simplified with Dr Bruce Bugbee

Cannabis research, studies & results
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Photobiology Simplified with Dr Bruce Bugbee

Post by GMO »

Dr. Bruce Bugbee explains in simple terms how the different colors of light can have a powerful effect on plant photosynthesis and morphology, such as shape, height, etc. Dr. Bugbee's lab at Utah State University is at the forefront of this research for NASA and many other companies and institutions.

2:30 Plant Shape

3:26 The most efficient LEDs and the differences between LED colors

5:22 The effect of far-red light

6:00 The primary colors that affect plant shape

7:21 How about cannabis?

For more information on Apogee sensors, visit https://www.apogeeinstruments.com/
“If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.” -Albert Einstein

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