So I've been playing with foliar feeds for a while and I've seem to found a little blend that works really well for veg plants. It's Uber secret so don't tell anyone outside the GR420 forum! :)
To make 1ltr of spray:
- 1ltr of RO/distilled water
- 0.4ml CalMag (I use Canna)
- 4 drops of Superthrive
- 1.5ml Plant Magic BioWetter OR 5ml Growth Technology Hydro Burst
- 3ml Terra Aquatica Fulvic acid (any fulvic acid will do but check the manufacturer recommendations on foliar dose)
- 5ml Growth Technology Nitrozyme
Spray twice a week under low lights (preferably 1 hour before lights on to maximize uptake). Make sure you get a good coverage of the underside and top of the leaves and watch your plants go into overdrive :)