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"Insects and disease are the symptoms of a failing crop, not the cause of it. It's not the overpowering invader we must fear but the weakened condition of the victim."
looks good to me. the liquid can be kept in the fridge for like a year or when ya mix with brown sugar its shelf stable for 2 years i think
What about dosage for watering. Should I treat it a little like Mammoth P?
What have you found it useful for yourself?
Im still using the crazy stock of EM1 i bought tbh mate
ive used it like twice. once at 1ml per litre as a foliar and once at 5ml plus 5ml molasses in a micronisation of 500ml water and about 200g plant material
I'll try take a syringe to syphon it out then, I don't want that in there? @GMO I have some raw brown sugar to mix it up anyway, so I could do it then.
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This is how mine still looks. if i were you, id just leave it a few days to settle and set. then when your super-saturating with sugar just pour it gently so the stuff we discussing stays put.... thats my plan anyways. its pretty set in place with mine