I personally wish it was like the GR420 LED Grow Off Sponsored By Invisible Sun where just taking part within certain weeks would earn you a packet of seeds just for 'the taking part'
Granted the lights and tents are Awesome prizes but not everyone has the available resources so all grows are different and for me (I'll take the light if it's a modular ISH150BR but not so much if it's a large unit as I couldn't even use it) I also don't need a tent and I mostly just entered this comp to be involved so maybe a better approach would be an overall winner getting a light or a tent or both, but everyone that constantly posted updates get a random packet of seeds, or even limited to those that decided to back up the comp with a Diary should get a random packet of seeds for actually 'participating content' - and by this I mean meaningful content along the journey. I.e. weekly updates with just a photo or a weekly update with a diary etc. even a weekly excuse would 'Tick' my criteria if it was meaningful and weekly ;o)
That's how I see it, and would rather get another random packet of seeds and all the great interactions from those actually taking part than to win the prize (although the actual bragging rights for winning a comp is another dimension).
P.S. I have personally seen this theory in action and fair play to both @bigbadbillybob and @Elijahgrowz who have recently donated prizes back into the pool because they are obviously playing for the fun. Kudos Guys.