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Coco Coir As a medium

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Coco Coir As a medium

Post by GMO »

Remember that coco is a `living substrate’ and it should be treated as an entire eco-system which consists of beneficial microbes who make their home in the coco particles. This beneficial microbial life plays an important role in soilless systems as many fungi have a protectant effect on the plant’s root system and have been proven to suppress plant pathogens as well as other possible benefits with nutrient uptake and plant growth. While other growing substrates start out as ster best left in its original state or even inoculated with populations of beneficial microbes such as Trichoderma. These populations of beneficial microbes in coco are to be encouraged and for that reason harsh sterilising chemicals such as chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide and even boiling water should not be used on coco substrates at any stage.
some interesting tips for coco coir from Canna

for source data and more reading, please see; http://www.cannagardening.com/growing_with_coco
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Re: Coco Coir As a medium

Post by Bulls »

Interesting read that GMO. Thank you :Stoned:

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