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Reservoir cleaning.. Wilma system (Recirculating)

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Reservoir cleaning.. Wilma system (Recirculating)

Post by Lukeypoo »

Soo I'm gearing up to start my wilma systems again and there hella dirty.. Not so much dirty then salt buildups and I can't find anything to shift it!
I just used a whole bottle of Black disinfectant and elbow grease and it looks better.. But not clean
I then tried the jet wash and all its really done its got me wet..
Any advice on what to use!?

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Re: Reservoir cleaning.. Wilma system (Recirculating)

Post by Samwise Gamgee »

I put mine in the shower and just scrub it with scouring pads and demestos, if its limescale that has accumalated then warm water will dissolve it. I would looking at adding amino acids to your feed schedule as well as that will stop the limescale build up :)
Lukeypoo wrote:
Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:31 pm
Soo I'm gearing up to start my wilma systems again and there hella dirty.. Not so much dirty then salt buildups and I can't find anything to shift it!
I just used a whole bottle of Black disinfectant and elbow grease and it looks better.. But not clean
I then tried the jet wash and all its really done its got me wet..
Any advice on what to use!?

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Re: Reservoir cleaning.. Wilma system (Recirculating)

Post by Lukeypoo »

Demestos toilet bleach?
I originally tried with some cheap bleach in the shower and maybe just didn't use enough elbow grease
Has anyone tried vinegar for mineral deposits?

I might also try this next run with a different brand of nutes, currently using my local hydroshops in house nutes and the plants haven't wanted for anything, I normally use the canna range and have always had to add calmag and things like that whereas this stuff, from the start they've been happy!
I just read something about its more prone with 2 part nutrients??

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Re: Reservoir cleaning.. Wilma system (Recirculating)

Post by Nanook »

I am lazy, I NEVER cleaned mine or emptied them and just topped up grow to grow pmfsl
I did however run dutch pro keep it clean through it on fills which seemed to stop the drioppers clogging as well as the odd splash of H2o2 ( liquid oxygen from growth tech )
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Re: Reservoir cleaning.. Wilma system (Recirculating)

Post by Bulls »

You can clean limescale with a product called Viakal mate. It's spray and just spray it leave for a few minutes, scrub it gently and wash with hot water. As Samwise advised you can use RAW OmniA. It really helps :)

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Re: Reservoir cleaning.. Wilma system (Recirculating)

Post by Lukeypoo »

@Nanook yer this is the first time I've actually cleaned mine normally id just empty and fill but I've built a new setup so feel I should clean everything I'm reusing before going in and it was hella bad the picture didnt really do it justice

@Bulls my Mrs picked me up a bottle of that and I never even bothered using it coz the bleach didn't touch it, last time I used the scratchy side of a dish sponge and this time I used the viakal and a brillo pad and what a difference it made!
I'm probably going to give it another scrub on the bottom but I'm significantly happier with the results and less work then the dish sponge

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Re: Reservoir cleaning.. Wilma system (Recirculating)

Post by Lukeypoo »

The amino acids the @samwise mentioned.. What is it? Can I use it with all other nutes in the tank?

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