Zinc deficiency Cannabis

Zinc deficiency Cannabis

Leaf Colour:
Yellow Leaves - New Growth
Yellowing Between Veins
Mottling / Mosaic Pattern

Leaf Symptoms:
Upper Leaves / Newer Growth Affected
Leaf Tips Appear Burnt
Leaf Tips Die
Yellowing Between Veins
Mottling / Mosaic
Slow Growth
Twisted Growth
Leaves Curl Under

Plant Symptoms:
Slow Growth
Leaves Curl Under
Too Short
Other Symptoms:
Buds Not Fattening

Problem: With a cannabis zinc deficiency, younger leaves start yellowing in between the veins. Leaf tips get discoloured and start dying. the leaves may take on a unique banded appearance and the plant may stop growing vertically. There may be much less space between new nodes, which can cause new leaves to start bunching together. If the plant is budding, its flowers may stop growing or even start dying if the problem isn't corrected.
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Zinc deficiency Cannabis

Fri Aug 30, 2019 4:36 pm
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